Based on the longest-running web-based comic series "Ma Eum Ui Sori" in Korea, "Sound of your heart" is a story about Cho Seok, an aspiring comic writer, and his strange family.
On Willa Ward’s twelfth birthday, she inherits a beautiful charm necklace that belonged to her mother, who was a witch. She soon learns 2 bad witches, Wilma and Wanda are after her locket so they can have ultimate power, and she alongside her best friends Scout and Lily turn into cats to escape.
Amid the onset of andropause, a 50-something family man becomes obsessed with change and decides to pursue happiness. Then he bungles it up completely.
Enchanting adventures await when Malibu Barbie and Brooklyn Barbie meet a horse with magical powers — and she needs their help with a mysterious mission!