This reality series follows a crew of famed, affluent stars as they work and play, flirt and feud in Johannesburg, South Africa. This all-African reality series includes actor Khanyi Mbau, musician Diamond Platnumz and rapper Nadia Nakai.
Meet a fresh group of wealthy, sophisticated and hilarious Asian-Americans from New York City, where the quality of real estate is measured by address, not acreage. Conversations are direct, not coded. And competition – for love, for money, and for power – is fierce. Billionaires, CEOs, and fashion icons - it’s a city where you can be anything you want to be.
Twelve innovative mixologists from around the world infuse, stir and blend through a series of high-stakes cocktail challenges to win a life-changing prize and the title of The Ultimate Drink Master.
American Ninja Warrior: Ninja vs. Ninja is a U.S. reality TV sports television game show about obstacle racing based on obstacle courses of the type found in the SASUKE TV franchise. Formerly titled as Team Ninja Warrior, it was spun-off by A. Smith & Co. from their American Ninja Warrior TV series.