The Mobile Investigative Unit (known as "MIU") of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department attempts to solve cases within 24 hours. Detective Kazumi Shima is selected as a new member of MIU. He is intelligent, with excellent observation and communication skills. Yet, he does not trust other people. He is unable to find a partner in MIU and is ordered to partner with Police Officer Ai Ibuki, who works at a police substation. Ibuki applied for MIU, but he failed. He is in excellent physical condition, but he lacks knowledge and experience as a detective. Shima learns about Ibuki's background and he becomes more nervous. Finally, Shima has his first meeting with Ibuki.
In a world shaken by an epidemic of madness that spreads through speech, Murat is the only immune person. As he searches for the secret of his mysterious immunity, his “hot skull", he has to leave the safe zone and embark on an adventure within the ruins of Istanbul.
Aramaki Yurika is an excellent consultant, well known within the industry, who has rebuilt many establishments. She receives a request to help restructure the management of Saitama’s host club “Eichi” which is in danger of being taken over by a top host club in Kabukicho.
On an isolated icy planet promising a bright future, prisoners are forced to excavate a rare energy source that leads to a deadly, unwelcome discovery.
Young Giovanna navigates her passage from childhood into adolescence as she experiences the different sides of Naples during the 1990s. A girl in search of her true reflection in a divided Naples: the Naples of the heights, which assumes a mask of refinement, and the Naples of the depths, a place of excess and vulgarity.
Twins Sol and Sun are almost as different as night from day, but one thing they have in common is their mutual love for Piano, a girl who moved into the neighborhood when they were all kids and who they've been besties with ever since. They also share a dream of making it big in the music industry and together they barely manage to get into the Plus Artist Academy contest that's on the hunt for new Thai talent. A twist of fate, however, smashes their dreams, and turns Sun and Piano against Sol who got hired to be a member of a new Thai boy band by the Empire agency. But all isn't as it seems. Can the friends reconcile or is it too late to forgive when so much hurt has happened?
When tragedy befalls a reckless scientist in Ottoman-era Istanbul, his student uses untested methods to finish his work — with devastating consequences.
The old DGM might have left Bannerman School, but their spirit remains, and there is still a need to get even, wrongs must be righted and injustice has to be fought.
Four strangers — a flight attendant escaping a suburban cult, an Afghan refugee fleeing persecution, a young Australian father escaping a dead-end job, and a bureaucrat caught up in a national scandal — are stuck in an immigration detention center in the Australian desert. Inspired by true events.