The Mobile Investigative Unit (known as "MIU") of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department attempts to solve cases within 24 hours. Detective Kazumi Shima is selected as a new member of MIU. He is intelligent, with excellent observation and communication skills. Yet, he does not trust other people. He is unable to find a partner in MIU and is ordered to partner with Police Officer Ai Ibuki, who works at a police substation. Ibuki applied for MIU, but he failed. He is in excellent physical condition, but he lacks knowledge and experience as a detective. Shima learns about Ibuki's background and he becomes more nervous. Finally, Shima has his first meeting with Ibuki.
An undercover assignment to expose a drug ring becomes a timid Mumbai constable's road to empowerment as she realizes her dormant sexuality's potential.
Follow the story of a 30-year-old woman who, when feeling dissatisfied with her marriage and family life, finds herself sent back in time 10 years following a lunar eclipse.
Amaia's life, according to her, just sucks. Overnight, she has to say goodbye to her life in Barcelona, where she has all her friends and her day to day already established, to go live in her mother's village, where NOTHING ever happens. However, she will soon discover something that could turn her life around... that perhaps she has inherited the powers of her grandmother: a woman she never met, but with the reputation of being the only witch that has ever lived in the town of Salabarria.
Four intrepid and impulsive police officers form a special narcotics unit to combat the birth of drug trafficking on Spain's Costa del Sol in the 1970s.
A 33-year-old fashion marketing director at a home shopping channel company has developed a tough, prickly outer shell in order to succeed in the workplace. After multiple failed relationships, she has given up on the idea of ever finding love. A 26-year-old songwriter with a carefree spirit returns home after living abroad for seventeen years. Raised by his mother's friend and her daughter, who is now that 33-year-old fashion marketing director. But she only remembers him as the kid she was forced to play with when her mom was too busy. When these two meet again, he attempts to heal her jaded sense of romance.
Psychological games abound between detectives and suspects in a tense interrogation room, where the search for answers sometimes comes at a moral cost.
This is the incredible story behind Sweden's most notorious gangster, Clark Olofsson, whose infamous crimes gave rise to the term "Stockholm Syndrome".
On the surface Kitty, Margot, Bree and Olivia appear to have nothing in common - but there’s one passion which unites them: to expose injustice. They form their own secret society, DGM - they Don’t Get Mad, they Get Even - playing anonymous pranks to expose bullies.
A remote village becomes the arena of a breathless battle when an undead East India Company officer and his battalion of zombie redcoats attack a squad of modern-day soldiers.
Aramaki Yurika is an excellent consultant, well known within the industry, who has rebuilt many establishments. She receives a request to help restructure the management of Saitama’s host club “Eichi” which is in danger of being taken over by a top host club in Kabukicho.