The four-part docuseries revolves around Amherst, Massachusetts, drug lab chemist Sonja Farak who became addicted to the narcotics she was supposed to be testing. In covering her tracks, Farak falsified thousands of results and opened the door to overturning hundreds of wrongful convictions.
Policeman Moaz Ibrahim is forced into living a dangerous double life with the criminal gang Enemiez as an attempt to keep his shady past hidden from the outside world.
This docuseries includes never-before-seen material from the infamous 51-day standoff between federal agents and a heavily armed religious group in 1993.
Murder. Extortion. Drug smuggling. Racketeering. The charges are mounting against John Gotti — but will any of them stick to the "Teflon Don"? Told from both sides of the law, this docuseries from the makers of "Fear City" follows the FBI's battle to bring down infamous mob boss.
Interviews with friends, family and Sally McNeil herself chart a bodybuilding couple’s rocky marriage — and its shocking end in a Valentine's Day murder.