With unprecedented access to the Bengaluru City Police, this gripping series follows major criminal investigations from the moment the crime is reported through to the capture of the suspects. From murder to kidnap to extortion, each film tracks a shocking and compelling case in the heart of India's Silicon Valley. Filmed with senior officers at home and at work, this is a unique window into the lives of Bengaluru's police officers as they attempt to detect the most complex and serious crimes in the city.
The jail in the Philippines made famous for a viral Michael Jackson dance video comes under the management of an ex-convict which causes some controversy
Refreshing and flavorful, naengmyeon is Korea’s coolest summertime staple. A journey through its history begins, from how it’s cooked to how it’s loved.
A four-part documentary about the South African Paralympic and Olympic sprinter Oscar Pistorius, who shot and killed his girlfriend in the early hours of Valentine's Day 2013. The story of a man and a nation both born to great disadvantage, the film follows the challenges, hopes and triumphs of both and the demise of their dreams under the glare of the world media.
Designer Genevieve Gorder and real estate expert Peter Lorimer show property owners how to turn their short-term rentals into moneymaking showstoppers.
There are bizarre, very unusual and extremely shocking activities that, despite the risk and associated dangers, are just legal in South American countries. Sue Perkins is eager to take advantage of this, and enjoys experiencing these adventurous yet dangerous challenges. In this way she hopes to defy and hopefully cover up her middle age.