With unprecedented access to the Bengaluru City Police, this gripping series follows major criminal investigations from the moment the crime is reported through to the capture of the suspects. From murder to kidnap to extortion, each film tracks a shocking and compelling case in the heart of India's Silicon Valley. Filmed with senior officers at home and at work, this is a unique window into the lives of Bengaluru's police officers as they attempt to detect the most complex and serious crimes in the city.
Six young motocross riders come together to form a team, to make the national titles, or crash out trying. But the biggest win of all might be the friends they make for life.
In 2013, Michaella McCollum from Northern Ireland and Melissa Reid from Scotland were caught at the Jorge Chavez International Airport in Peru trying to smuggle £1.5 million of cocaine into Spain. The pair, also known as the `Peru Two,' were sentenced to almost seven years in one of the most notorious prisons in the world. The series provides a first-hand account from Michaella, a former club hostess in the Spanish nightlife, as she traces her journey from arriving in the foreign country for her first holiday to her downward spiral into the illicit world of drugs and excess.
A fresh set of realtors square off, competing to establish themselves at The Oppenheim Group’s second office on the Orange County coast. Will the pressure prove too much for these agents to handle?
Sicily boasts a bold "Anti-Mafia" coalition. But what happens when those trying to bring down organized crime are accused of being criminals themselves?
Four intrepid and impulsive police officers form a special narcotics unit to combat the birth of drug trafficking on Spain's Costa del Sol in the 1970s.
Music-loving baby Johny goes on dance-filled adventures with his family, friends and adorable critters in this colorful, animated preschooler series. Watch all you want.