Based on the first book of the popular novel series “The Oracle Comes” by Teensy, the story focuses on Han Jie, a former drug addict recruited by San Tai Zi to serve as a god’s agent in the mortal realm to redeem for his sins. As Han Jie is counting the days to his long-awaited retirement, the evil god Liu Fan returns with his plan to overthrow the mortal realm, forcing Han Jie to fight and save everyone he loves.
The residents of Gokuldham Society encounter several adventures and misadventures as they navigate the ups and downs of life and overcome their struggles together.
Three old friends from the Northern Irish capital – Saoirse, Robyn and Dara – are now in their late-thirties and lead very different lives. But when they receive an email informing them of the death of Greta, an old classmate they were once very close with, there’s clearly some unspoken, unfinished business. The trio’s subsequent adventure takes them on a journey across Ireland.
Set in 19th-century Dublin and New York, the story reimagines the period immediately after the death of Sir Benjamin Guinness, the man responsible for the extraordinary success of the Guinness brewery, and the far-reaching impact of his will on the fate of his four adult children, Arthur, Edward, Anne, and Ben, as well as on a group of Dublin characters who work and interact with the phenomenon that is Guinness.