The story follows Rena Yukuhasahi, a reserved office lady and Ryouhei Hachiya, a businessman and fellow colleague. Yukuhasahi appears to be the most reserved girl in the company, but becomes a super beautiful woman when she dresses up. Flustered in the presence of her transformed self, Hachiya insists on taking her out, only to find themselves in front of a love hotel.
Is Jimihen!! Jimiko o Kae Chau Jun Isei Kouyuu on Netflix? Unfortunately this serie is not yet available on Netflix.
Sound | Saki Hazuki | Theme Song Performance |
Directing | Rei Ishikura | Series Director |
Visual Effects | Kazuya Kuroda | Character Designer |
Sound | Takahiro Enomoto | Sound Director |
Camera | Takashi Yanagida | Director of Photography |
Art | Hanako Yamada | Art Direction |
Editing | Kouki Shinkai | Editor |
Writing | Rei Ishikura | Screenplay |
Writing | Eeyo Kurosaki | Screenplay |
Costume & Make-Up | Rena Nasu | Costume Design |
Visual Effects | Kazuya Kuroda | Supervising Animation Director |
Visual Effects | Kakuto Gai | Supervising Animation Director |