Kukuru Misakino, an 18-year-old high school girl working in an aquarium, meets Fuuka Miyazawa, a former idol who lost her place in Tokyo and escaped. Fuuka will spend her days in the aquarium with her own thoughts in mind. However, the crisis of closing is approaching for the aquarium, as the girls explore their dreams and reality, loneliness and friends, bonds and conflicts.
Is The aquatope on white sand on Netflix? Unfortunately this serie is not yet available on Netflix.
Directing | Toshiya Shinohara | Series Director |
Writing | Yuko Kakihara | Series Composition |
Visual Effects | Yuki Akiyama | Character Designer |
Sound | Yoshiaki Dewa | Original Music Composer |
Art | Kurumi Suzuki | Art Direction |
Camera | Satoshi Namiki | Director of Photography |
Visual Effects | Naomi Nakano | Color Designer |
Visual Effects | Haruki Suzuki | 3D Director |
Editing | Ayumu Takahashi | Editor |
Crew | Masahiro Murakami | Special Effects |
Sound | Haru Yamada | Sound Director |
Art | Yoshinori Shiozawa | Art Designer |
Visual Effects | Yuki Akiyama | Supervising Animation Director |
Sound | Ryutaro Usukura | Music Producer |
Art | Kohei Asahi | Assistant Director of Photography |
Art | Mayumi Miyaoka | Prop Designer |
Visual Effects | Hiromi Makino | Creature Design |
Art | Junichi Higashi | Supervising Art Director |
Production | Takayuki Machi | Executive Producer |
Production | Toshihiro Shiraishi | Executive Producer |
Production | Terushige Yoshie | Executive Producer |
Production | Kenji Horikawa | Executive Producer |
Production | Fumihiko Shinozaki | Executive Producer |
Production | Yukihiro Itou | Executive Producer |
Production | Maya Fujino | Producer |
Production | Kei Yamaguchi | Producer |
Production | Naoto Nakamura | Producer |
Production | Mitsuhiro Ogata | Producer |
Production | Hiroo Saito | Producer |
Production | Takahiro Iwasa | Producer |
Production | Shinji Omori | Producer |
Crew | Sumie Murakami | Special Effects |
Production | Ryutaro Usukura | Producer |
Editing | Shun Okuyama | Online Editor |
Editing | Yoshihiro Kohama | Online Editor |
Production | Takayuki Nagatani | Producer |
Production | Aiho Shigeyama | Producer |
Production | Ena Hamabe | Producer |