In 2207, two years after Gamilas and Iscandar vanished, a colossal object, the “Grand Reverse” appears, effortlessly breaching Earth’s defenses. Swarms of troops and multi-legged tanks swiftly conquer Earth’s capital city. Amidst the chaos, the old Yamato crew receives a secret order and now begins a voyage for unseen dimensions while humanity’s fate hangs in the balance.
Is Star Blazers: Space Battleship Yamato 3199 on Netflix? Unfortunately this serie is not yet available on Netflix.
Production | Shoji Nishizaki | Executive Producer |
Directing | Harutoshi Fukui | Series Director |
Visual Effects | Yasushi Ishizu | Mechanical Designer |
Visual Effects | Mika Akitaka | Mechanical Designer |
Visual Effects | Junichiro Tamamori | Mechanical Designer |
Sound | Shu Kanematsu | Original Music Composer |
Sound | Akira Miyagawa | Original Music Composer |
Writing | Harutoshi Fukui | Series Composition |
Visual Effects | Nobuteru Yuuki | Character Designer |
Sound | Hiroshi Miyagawa | Original Music Composer |