The series is based on Viveca Sten's first two books in The Åre Murders crime series. The story revolves around Stockholm police officer Hanna Ahlander who takes refuge from personal and professional problems in the scenic Swedish mountain village of Åre. But when a young woman disappears one freezing St. Lucia’s Day, Hanna is rapidly drawn into the investigation. Local police officer Daniel Lindskog reluctantly accepts her help.
Is The Åre Murders on Netflix? Unfortunately this serie is not yet available on Netflix.
Writing | Viveca Sten | Novel |
Production | Brita Lundqvist | Producer |
Production | Susann Billberg Rydholm | Producer |
Production | Viveca Sten | Producer |
Production | Helena Larand | Producer |
Directing | Joakim Eliasson | Director |
Directing | Alain Darborg | Director |
Writing | Karin Gidfors | Writer |
Writing | Jimmy Lindgren | Writer |