A 90's iconic slice of life genre drama directed by the famous Novelist of Bangladesh, Humayun Ahmed, based on his own novel, Nokkhotrer Raat (Starry Night), centered around the ups and downs of a middle class family of six, casting Abul Hayat, Asaduzzaman Nur, Sarah Zaker, Shomi Kayser and many popular faces from the 90's. The story starts by showing a typical day of a middle class family and it unfolds by revealing different chapters that a family goes through, from day to day life, thereby unfolding an extraordinary tale of love, sorrow, struggle, crisis, heart break, sudden demise, and above all, unity and integrity, out of a seemingly ordinary family.
Is Nokkhotrer Raat on Netflix? Unfortunately this serie is not yet available on Netflix.
Writing | Humayun Ahmed | Story |
Sound | Makshud Jamil Mintu | Music |
Editing | Rahman Faysal | Editor |
Editing | Raihan Rahman | Editor |
Directing | Monir Hossain Jibon | Assistant Director |
Writing | Humayun Ahmed | Screenplay |
Crew | Saisob Ahmed Bulu | Cinematography |
Directing | Humayun Ahmed | Director |
Crew | Mahmudur Rahman Sharif | Cinematography |