Set in Mexico City, the series follows the adventures of the eponymous wrestler in the role of a superhero who must try to stop the plans of Dr. Clone, an evil scientist. He is determined once again to kill him and creates clones based on his old enemies (thanks to their DNA), and use them to dominate the world.
Is Santo Against The Clones on Netflix? Unfortunately this serie is not yet available on Netflix.
Editing | James Powell | Editor |
Visual Effects | Arturo Dominguez | Animation |
Art | Jorge Medina | Art Direction |
Visual Effects | Felipe Morales | Animation |
Production | Barry Koch | Executive Producer |
Art | Gustavo Rubio | Art Designer |
Visual Effects | Julio Guerrero Leon | Animation |
Production | Hernán La Greca | Executive Producer |
Art | Mauricio Čaballero | Art Designer |
Visual Effects | Oscar Orellaña | Animation |
Directing | Carlo Olivares Paganoni | Director |
Art | Antonio Lozano | Art Designer |
Art | Adolfo Díaz | Art Designer |
Visual Effects | René Delgado | Animation |
Writing | Carlo Olivares Paganoni | Screenplay |
Production | Carlo Olivares Paganoni | Executive Producer |
Crew | Fernando Semenzato | Creative Consultant |
Sound | Jimmy Guthrie | Sound Designer |
Visual Effects | Claudio Ortega | Animation |
Visual Effects | Fernando R. Rendón | Animation Director |
Production | Manuel Cuan | Executive Producer |
Visual Effects | Adolfo Díaz | Animation Supervisor |
Production | Duane Orville Trejo | Production Assistant |
Editing | Jesenko Fazlagic | Editor |
Production | Maggie López | Casting |
Art | Antonio Lozano | Art Direction |
Visual Effects | Enrique Picazo | Animation |