L’ARÉNA is a sketch comedy exploring the daily lives of several characters who visit this local cultural landmark and poke fun at the shortcomings of real life. Hockey, parenthood, friendship, greasy fries and Zamboni - it's all there!
Is L'aréna on Netflix? Unfortunately this serie is not yet available on Netflix.
Writing | Justine Philie | Screenplay |
Writing | LeLouis Courchesne | Screenplay |
Production | Nathalie Brigitte Bustos | Executive Producer |
Production | Marc Robert | Producer |
Writing | Sébastien Ravary | Screenplay |
Production | Nathalie Brigitte Bustos | Producer |
Writing | Julien Tapp | Screenplay |
Writing | Emilie Ouellette | Screenplay |
Writing | Alexina Gilbert | Screenplay |
Writing | Luc Michaud | Screenplay |
Production | Éric Young | Executive Producer |
Writing | Jean-François Provençal | Screenplay |
Writing | François-Étienne Bernier | Screenplay |
Directing | Sébastien Gagné | Director |
Writing | Joëlle Bond | Screenplay |
Writing | Julien Pelletier | Writer |