Ordinary teenager Wang Xiaoxiu accidentally acquires a spatial system called the "Super Cube" from a high-dimensional cosmic civilization, granting him extraordinary abilities. When Wang Xiaoxiu receives a love confession from Shen Yao, the campus belle he has admired for a long time, he incurs the wrath of delinquent Sun Jun, another suitor of Shen Yao. Embroiled in a whirlwind of violent conflicts, Wang Xiaoxiu uses his wit and superpowers to resolve the crisis, only to attract even greater troubles along the way.
Is SUPER CUBE on Netflix? Unfortunately this serie is not yet available on Netflix.
Title | Air Date | Duration | ||
Season 1 | Episode 1 | Episode 1 | min |
Writing | Shuiluo Sheng Sheng | Comic Book |
Art | Shuiluo Sheng Sheng | Original Series Design |
Directing | Tianxing Wei | Series Director |
Writing | Zhiheng Cai | Screenplay |