Mayuko Chigasaki is an ordinary girl from the countryside, who now is attending university in big city Tokyo. She struggles each day to make ends meet while studying for her exams, barely scraping up the yen to afford bus fare to and from school. And at the end of the day, she comes home to a gluttonous, freeloading alien living in her closet!
Is NieA_7 on Netflix? Unfortunately this serie is not yet available on Netflix.
Writing | Takuya Sato | Writer |
Directing | Takuya Sato | Director |
Directing | Tomokazu Tokoro | Director |
Production | Yasuyuki Ueda | Producer |
Writing | Yoshitoshi ABe | Comic Book |
Visual Effects | Yoshitoshi ABe | Visual Effects |
Art | Akihiko Yamashita | Art Designer |
Art | Aiichiro Hirose | Art Direction |
Camera | Yoshito Kuwa | Director of Photography |
Production | Shojiro Abe | Producer |
Sound | Yoshio Owa | Music |
Sound | Maria Yamamoto | Theme Song Performance |
Sound | SION | Theme Song Performance |
Production | Miwa Sasaki | Publicist |