Mariano Acuña is a widowed commercial pilot, father of a small daughter, who is torn between the love of Javiera Huidobro, an executive of a prestigious record company called Orbital Records and Deborah Meneses. a carefree young woman who resembles his wife in more than one way...
Is Playa salvaje on Netflix? Unfortunately this serie is not yet available on Netflix.
Production | Nené Aguirre | Executive Producer |
Production | Javier Larenas Peñafiel | Producer |
Sound | Franco Gennari | Music Director |
Sound | Walter Kock | Original Music Composer |
Directing | Óscar Rodríguez | Series Director |
Sound | Sergio Gormaz | Original Music Composer |
Writing | Pablo Illanes | Lyricist |
Sound | Egon Steger | Music Director |
Costume & Make-Up | France François | Makeup Artist |