Fuyu no Semi is a Japanese anime OVA loosely based on the manga series, Embracing Love, which also aired on the Logo cable channel in the US.
The story, set in historical Japan, follows two samurai from opposing political groups, one protectionist and the other globalist, who fall in love with each other.
Is Winter Cicada on Netflix? Unfortunately this serie is not yet available on Netflix.
Sound | Toshiyuki Morikawa | Musician |
Sound | Nobuyuki Abe | Sound Director |
Production | Hiroaki Inoue | Producer |
Directing | Yoshihisa Matsumoto | Director |
Visual Effects | Takako Onishi | Character Designer |
Writing | Giorgio Bassanelli | Dialogue |
Sound | Yoshiaki Ohuchi | Music |
Crew | Enrico Croce | Translator |
Writing | Mutsumi Nakano | Screenplay |