Fuzuchi Kuraki is a quiet young high school student blessed with immense psychic powers and an ancient sword. He is searching for other magical artifacts with the help of Nanachi Takeo, a college student with latent powers of his own. They delve deep into the dark magic of Izumo, only to discover the secrets buried within the birthplace of all Japanese mythology!
Is Eight Clouds Rising on Netflix? Unfortunately this serie is not yet available on Netflix.
Directing | Tomomi Mochizuki | Director |
Writing | Tomomi Mochizuki | Screenplay |
Writing | Tomomi Mochizuki | Storyboard |
Sound | Hajime Mizoguchi | Music |
Writing | Natsumi Itsuki | Original Series Creator |
Visual Effects | Yuko Kusumoto | Character Designer |
Writing | Natsumi Itsuki | Original Story |
Art | Hidetoshi Kaneko | Art Direction |
Visual Effects | Yuko Kusumoto | Animation Director |
Sound | Hiromi Kikuta | Sound Director |
Camera | Hidetoshi Watanabe | Director of Photography |
Production | Shigeru Watanabe | Producer |
Production | Tatsuo Ozawa | Producer |
Production | Yuji Nunokawa | Producer |
Editing | Seiji Morita | Editor |
Sound | Hitoshi Yamada | Recording Supervision |
Sound | Eiko Morikawa | Sound Effects |