Takumi Nishijou, a high school student at the Private Suimei Academy, one day hears about the 'New Gen' murders that have been occurring around the city. Although dismissing the subject because it doesn't involve him, Takumi begins to experience strange mishaps around him, from a horrific picture he received while on his PC, to a mysterious Pink-Haired girl standing at a murder scene.
From there on Takumi struggles to cope with the events unfolding around him, and is soon unaware of what is real or a delusion. As his fate opens up before him, the perpetrator behind the 'New Gen' events attempts to find him, leading him into a world where nothing is as it seems.
Is ChäoS;HEAd on Netflix? Unfortunately this serie is not yet available on Netflix.
Sound | Kanako Itou | Theme Song Performance |
Production | Yusuke Numagi | Producer |
Editing | Yumi Jinguji | Assistant Editor |
Production | Yasuo Ueda | Producer |
Visual Effects | Hidekazu Shimamura | Character Designer |
Art | Ichiro Tatsuta | Assistant Art Director |
Sound | Yuji Tagami | Sound Recordist |
Production | Hiroaki Tsunoda | Producer |
Camera | Shinya Matsui | Director of Photography |
Production | Fuminori Hara | Producer |
Visual Effects | Chiharu Tanaka | Color Designer |
Editing | Kashiko Kimura | Editor |
Editing | Mariko Tsukatsune | Assistant Editor |
Sound | Takao Kondo | Music Producer |
Sound | Takefumi Kanaya | Music Director |
Sound | Toshihiko Nakajima | Sound Director |
Production | Toshiharu Sakai | Line Producer |
Production | Michiko Koyanagi | Producer |
Writing | Toshiki Inoue | Series Composition |
Visual Effects | Yoshio Kozakai | Supervising Animation Director |
Art | Shunsuke Suzuki | Art Direction |
Sound | Kosuke Ogata | Sound Effects |
Production | Kosaku Sakamoto | Publicist |
Directing | Takaaki Ishiyama | Series Director |
Directing | Takaaki Ishiyama | Director |
Crew | Chiyomaru Shikura | Video Game |
Art | ささきむつみ | Original Series Design |
Visual Effects | ささきむつみ | Character Designer |