Cachitos de hierro y cromo is a Spanish musical-themed documentary program, directed by Jero Rodríguez and hosted by Virginia Díaz. It is an unapologetic musical display of RTVE's sound legacy in the form of performances on the set of programs such as 'Aplauso', 'Galas del Sábado', 'Mapa Sonoro', 'Zona Franca' or 'Los Conciertos de Radio 3'. For nearly 60 years, artists and other specimens have stormed viewers' screens. The result is a polyphony of images and memories that includes everything from James Brown to Camela, from Perales to REM, from Gabinete to Violent Femmes. And so all the time. Our secret weapon has been the historical archive of TVE, the repository of Spanish collective memory for more than half a century.
Is Cachitos de hierro y cromo on Netflix? Unfortunately this serie is not yet available on Netflix.
Directing | Jerónimo Rodríguez | Director |
Sound | María Celma | Apprentice Sound Editor |
Crew | Carlos Vidal | Creator |
Crew | José Antonio Mourenza | Editorial Staff |
Crew | Pilar Granero | Creator |
Crew | David Gutiérrez | Post Production Supervisor |
Crew | Valeria Milara | Editorial Staff |
Crew | Virginia Díaz | Presenter |
Crew | Miriam Pardo | Documentation & Support |
Production | Ignacio Lorenzo | Producer |
Crew | Guillermo Durantes | Post Production Supervisor |
Crew | Arantxa Soroa | Creator |
Crew | Miguel Atienza | Documentation & Support |
Crew | Mila Navarro | Editorial Staff |