Set in the 70s, this serial follows the story of a simple and innocent girl who is blindly in love with her fiance Khalil, who hasn't seen her for the last 10 years. Initially Khalil thinks of Shanno as a village girl and rebukes all the memories he had about her. However, at a family occasion he meets her and falls in love. Then he tries to meet her in every way he can.
Is Sadqay Tumhare on Netflix? Unfortunately this serie is not yet available on Netflix.
Editing | Tanveer Ali | Editor |
Directing | Mohammed Ehteshamuddin | Director |
Production | Momina Duraid | Producer |
Sound | Sohail Haider | Music Director |
Writing | Khalil-ur-Rehman Qamar | Writer |
Editing | Afzal Fayaaz | Editor |
Sound | Sahir Ali Bagga | Music Director |
Crew | Illyas Kashmiri | Cinematography |
Production | Tariq Shah | Producer |
Production | Samina Humayun Saeed | Producer |
Editing | Mehmood Ali | Editor |
Crew | Tameen Nizami | Cinematography |
Sound | Rahat Fateh Ali Khan | Playback Singer |