The story centers around millionaire Daisuke Kambe, the heir to one of the wealthiest families in Japan, who is assigned as a detective to the Modern Crime Prevention Task Force (aka MCPTF), at the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. Taking full advantage of his vast family wealth, he spares no expense in solving complex crimes, and has the tendency to evaluate everything including individual human lives in terms of their monetary value. Haru Kato, a detective with a compassionate heart who believes that money isn’t everything, is chosen as Kambe’s partner but is repulsed by his materialistic attitude. Having diametrically opposing personalities, witness how the two join forces to tackle seemingly unsolvable crimes and mysteries!
Is The Millionaire Detective – Balance: UNLIMITED on Netflix? Unfortunately this serie is not yet available on Netflix.
Writing | Yasutaka Tsutsui | Novel |
Visual Effects | Hiroyuki Terao | Mechanical Designer |
Directing | Tomohiko Ito | Series Director |
Sound | Yugo Kanno | Original Music Composer |
Writing | Taku Kishimoto | Series Composition |
Sound | Yoshikazu Iwanami | Sound Director |
Sound | Yasumasa Koyama | Sound Effects |
Crew | Sachiko Ito | Special Effects |
Production | Akira Shimizu | Production Supervisor |
Art | Yoshihiro Sono | Art Designer |
Art | Masaru Sato | Art Direction |
Art | Asuka Kashimura | Art Direction |
Visual Effects | Keigo Sasaki | Character Designer |
Visual Effects | Shinji Nasu | CGI Director |
Camera | Toshiaki Aoshima | Director of Photography |
Production | Atsuhiro Iwakami | Executive Producer |
Production | Keiichi Takeda | Executive Producer |
Production | Masao Takiyama | Executive Producer |
Production | Ryu Utsui | Executive Producer |
Production | Shingo Kunieda | Executive Producer |
Production | Akitoshi Mori | Producer |
Production | Shunsuke Nara | Producer |
Production | Taku Matsuo | Producer |
Production | Yukiko Takase | Executive Producer |
Production | Masanori Miyake | Executive Producer |
Art | Tomoyasu Fujise | Art Designer |
Art | Yasumitsu Suetake | Art Designer |
Visual Effects | Azusa Sasaki | Color Designer |
Directing | Aya Ikeda | Assistant Director |
Editing | Shigeru Nishiyama | Editor |
Sound | Toshihiro Funahashi | Music Producer |
Production | Hiroyuki Shimizu | Production Supervisor |
Art | Misaki Ono | Assistant Art Director |
Editing | Misato Takikawa | Assistant Editor |
Visual Effects | Toshiyuki Tsuru | Opening/Ending Animation |
Sound | Takayuki Yamaguchi | Sound Mixer |
Art | Takashi Kojima | Production Design |